Doja cat’s top 13 ca$h Grab$

Harpsichord’s official song chart that attempts to guestimate which Doja Cat songs are the most popular upon the release of a new single from the artist. Factors in: Reported charting data and/or progression from Spotify, Apple Music, and iTunes live chart updates; YouTube views; online social media discussion — far as Twitter, Tik Tok; relevancy in the news; chatter amongst fans, as far as social media and in person exchanges; reported digital sales; radio airplay; usage in visual media, as far as TV and movies; playability in public spaces; and artist’s own attention to the song. Songs can include deep cuts as well as singles. Based on a tweet from the artist herself, classifying some of her greatest hits.

No. 1

paint the town red (2023)

doja cat [us]

doja cat’s top 7 cash grabs

published september 2023

paint the town red

doja cat


need to know (2021)

Doja cat

Last Month: —

Peak: No. 2

Notable Strength: Streaming, Radio, In-Person Exchanges, Critic, & Public Playability


kiss me more (2021)

Doja cat ft sza

Last Month: —

Peak: No. 3

Notable Strength: Streaming, Radio, Music Significance, In-Person Exchanges, Social Media, Sales, & Public Playability


say so (2019)

Doja cat

Last Month: —

Peak: No. 4

Notable Strength: Music Significance, Streaming, Radio, Social Media, In-Person Exchanges, & Public Playability


agora hills (2023)

Doja cat

Last Month: —

Peak: No. 5

Notable Strength: Streaming, Social Media, & Fans


vegas (2022)

Doja cat

Last Month: —

Peak: No. 6

Notable Strength: Music Significance, Streaming, Radio, Sales, Social Media, Critic, In-Person Exchanges, & Public Playability


woman (2021)

Doja cat

Last Month: —

Peak: No. 7

Notable Strength: Streaming & Sales


mooo! (2018)

Doja cat

Last Month: —

Peak: No. 8

Notable Strength: Music Significance, Streaming, Social Media, In-Person Exchanges, Fans, & Public Playability


boss bitch (2020)

Doja cat

Last Month: —

Peak: No. 9

Notable Strength: Streaming, Social Media, & Fans


streets (2019)

Doja cat

Last Month: —

Peak: No. 10

Notable Strength: Streaming, Social Media, & Fans


tia tamera (2019)

Doja cat ft rico nasty

Last Month: —

Peak: No. 11

Notable Strength: Public Playability, In-Person Exchanges, & Social Media


i like you (A Happier song) (2022)

post malone ft Doja cat

Last Month: —

Peak: No. 12

Notable Strength: Public Playability & Radio


demons (2023)

Doja cat

Last Month: —

Peak: No. 13

Notable Strength: Critic & Streaming