the 101 Most Popular
countdown of
Rihanna songs
of the Moment
Published February 20, 2024
Harpsichord’s official song chart that attempts to guestimate which songs released by Rihanna are her most popular globally. Factors in: Reported charting data and/or progression from Spotify, Apple Music, and iTunes live chart updates; online social media discussion — far as Twitter, Tik Tok; relevancy in the news; chatter amongst fans, as far as social media and in person exchanges; reported digital sales; radio airplay; usage in visual media, as far as TV and movies; and artist’s own attention to the song.
All of the following songs feature a seamless infusion of alternative R&B into a diverse range of musical genres. They serve as a testament to Rihanna's ability to inspire hitmakers seeking a spontaneous, yet resonant connection with their audience.
With this interactive countdown, you can click on the picture frames to watch the music videos, because we miss MTV and BET as much as you do… But if it’s an album cover? Sorry… no video was released at the time of this countdown’s publishing…
harpsichord’s greatest
Hot 101 Rihanna Songs
Published February 2024
If It’s Lovin’ That You Want
By Rihanna (2005)
The second single from ‘Music of the Sun’ wasn’t as massive as “Pon De Replay,” but it still gave listeners a sense of what Rihanna could bring. Fortified by steel drums of reggae and soca, the young singer lets her prospective partner know in the pre-hook, “just call me whenever you’re lonely.” The song still became a moderate global hit– even hitting the Top 10 in countries such as Australia, and the Pop Top 40 of the US.
We Ride
By Rihanna (2006)
Although Rihanna doesn’t pay much attention to this song, this hip hop soul midtempo is one of her best early efforts in R&B. She regrets believing in “the promises” of being a ride or die for someone who eventually leaves her in the dust. The bridge is the highlight, with a fast paced rap-sung portion: “Justblameyourselfcauseyoublewit, Iwontforgethowyoudoit” she speeds along.
James Joint
By Rihanna (2016)
Another short interlude of ‘Anti’ that is intentionally lackadaisical in delivery to capture the feeling of “I’d rather be smoking weed;” it gets its name from the songwriter, James Fauntleroy.
By Rihanna (2016)
The lone wolf cowgirl song that merges country western with alternative soul, as Rihanna declares “there ain’t nothin’ here for me.”
Hate That I Love You
By Rihanna ft Ne-Yo (2007)
Penned by Ne-Yo, this hip hop soul midtempo contains an addicting hook that showcases his ability to craft hits in the mid-aughts. The strumming of folk guitars became prevalent in the sound of Rihanna’s discography following this song (see: “We All Want Love”). Harmonizing the title, both reveal “and I just can’t let you go.” Then there is the funny elevator scene in the music video that ultimately reveals they are not each other’s lovers.
By Rihanna ft Justin Timberlake (2007)
In the 2000s, the sound of Justin Timberlake and Timbaland ruled pop at certain moments. This single from ‘Good Girl Gone Bad’ became one of those defining moments. Rihanna compares a codependent love to drugs, and claims she needs to get treatment for it. With aspects of an orchestra, an 808 pumps through to give it more of a hip hop soul feel. The song reached the Top 20 of the Billboard Hot 100.
Same Ol’ Mistakes
By Rihanna (2016)
One of the best modern era covers to exist, Rihanna gives a feminine take on Tame Impala’s 2015 deep cut “New Person, Same Old Mistakes” – fully embracing the psychedelic instrumental.
Believe It
By PartyNextDoor ft Rihanna (2020)
Joked as the song where “she only sings five words” according to her fans, this duet finds Rihanna harmonizing as the role of background vocals to PartyNextDoor’s punchlines.
Who’s That Chick?
By David Guetta ft Rihanna (2010)
In the midst of her EDM phase, Rihanna channels her idol Madonna– as it samples the 1987 song “Who’s That Girl.” At moments she raps over an auto-tuned effect. “She's been a crazy dita/ Disco diva, and you wonder/ Who's that chick?,” she sings in an icy way. The song became an international techno-pop hit, while going No. 1 on the US Dance Club Songs chart.
Princess Of China
By Coldplay ft Rihanna (2012)
“I could have been a princess, you'd be a king/Could've had a castle and worn a ring,” coldly delivers Rihanna with a sense of remorse. Moody and full of synths, this is one of her exemplary alternative moments. It flexed that she could follow the lead of legendary rock acts such as Coldplay– as she modeled after their soft rock earnestness that crosses over well in pop.